Reminded me of the cheerful painting of flowers I have in my
bedroom now. It’s bright, like I like things these days. Hostess Mom saw it somewhere, realized it was
a perfect fit for the room, and brought it home for Robert to put up (he’d been
decorating the basement walls with all of Mom’s paintings that we’ve had in
storage for 25 years). On the corners of the new painting were pieces of
protective cardboard with the title Flowers
(very original) and with advice on how to place the painting in order to
achieve any number of good things--take your pick here: You could enhance Love
and Romance in a Relationship (I wonder how one would have romance outside a relationship; that takes some
thinking), you could Bring Positive Energy into your Home & Office (bosses
should pay for this stuff), you could Attract Wealth & Love (now there’s a
topic of discussion all in itself), Health & Longevity (I’ll have one of
those, please)! or you could…Excellent for Family Luck & Personal Success!
Right. (I should offer these guys my red hunting dogs for a price to bring in
some positive energy into their editing.) All of this could be mine if I put
this painting up on the south wall. Sounds like some tv evangelists.

The ancient Chinese had some things right when they tried to
make things fit into just the right spot. There is a plan. There is such a thing as good timing and good placement.
That painting went up in my room in just the right spot (probably not the south
wall; I wouldn’t know. Never give me directions involving poles
unless Robert is around), at just the right time. The difference it makes to be
in relationship with the Creator is that we know his plan and feel cut loose
from star-copying.
Someone visiting me when the little cardboard covers were
still hugging Flowers commented, “I’d
want to take those off,” which I did.
But it reminded me of our wariness, sometimes even fear, of other religions’
solutions to age-old human problems. All of us know that things require just
the right fit. All of us know that when things go wrong, it takes sacrifice to
put them right. All of us know that mediators help straighten out bad
relationships. Chinese feng shui, English
stonehenges, Canadian horoscopes, Mixe chicken sacrifices, and Mixtec sorcerer/priests
are all responses to true problems. We can welcome finding such common ground
while also recognizing that by grace we have found a much more effective and
liberating solution. Paul even found common ground through a pagan altar, and
that same Unknown god, that Treasure, as he pointed out, can be found
Everywhere! Just look!
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