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Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Aboriginal Australian woman |
When we look at God’s family history, we have to go much further back to tell the story. If we think back, way back, farther back, until we are at the beginning of time, when the world was being shaped and spun into space, what image do we see in our minds? A spirit hovering? If we go back even further, back even before the creation of the universe, what do we see? Maybe angels worshipping? Myriads of creatures surrounding the God of heaven? What about back further yet? What image do we hold of a “time” before angels? Anything? Of course eyes can’t see what we are imagining, but that never stopped anyone before. Do we have some image of God? And how do we imagine him back then, before all else was created? I’m asking the impossible, but that first image may tell us something.
Is it lonely? Is it of a God alone in all the unborn universe? Or is it something quite different? Is it a society, a community, a culture, a family? Because this is where we start. With the fact that God has never been alone, never been lonely, never been one single Person. God, as Trinity, as Three Persons so united in love that they are eternally Inseparable, has always been One Community. The relationships that we have in this world are but pale reflections of His. God doesn’t merely love. God, in His very nature, lives out love as the union of perfectly bonded Persons. God truly is love. It is the essence of His existence. And out of this love comes such an exuberance of Joy that it cannot be contained. Love wants to share itself. Give itself away. Grow. Why else do married couples, perfectly in love, risk it all, and bring babies into their harmony?
God, then, risked it all and brought babies into his harmony. Out of the joy of his existence he created a beautiful universe and called it good. He created a solar system and called it good. He created the earth with its verdant growth and lush ecosystems and called them good. At the end there, he created man. And what a man. Adam stood before God in perfect male-ness: an intellect prepared to manage the world; a body balanced and muscular. And Adam’s relationship with God was not tainted. He was perfect. But God looked at Adam, and for the first time in the story, God did not say that this thing He had done was good. No, in fact, He said it was not good. Adam was perfect, but because he was alone, something was off.

Knowing where you come from can make a difference. I am glad to know that I am child of soldiers and immigrants and pioneers. I hope they were brave and good. Best of all, I'm glad to know that ultimately I come from a love story. I am a descendant of an expression of love, an outburst of love. I suppose this is my Big Bang Theory of Love.
Wow! Love this explanation of the "Big Bang" theory, and I had not thought of God as not being alone before creation. Very joyous indeed!