Did any of you go see that movie Inside Out? My daughter dragged me to it, but I’m glad I saw it.
The images of those palaces crashing down into the abyss as the girl’s world
was rocked struck me. I know what that feels like, having your neat plans and
cheery expectations…dismantled. You
know, it’s images you need when all the facts are in, but you are still
wrestling with your emotions, because words don’t say enough. It’s why we need
music and art and literature—all those symbols and metaphors to picture pain
and joy, sometimes together.
It’s like those alarming rides in the back of a truck to the
mountain Mixtec village where we lived in Guerrero. Up. Down. Around and around.
Shaken, banged, jolted. But surrounded by beauty.
Similarly, I feel a mix of emotions. I now have stuffed on
my calendar every medical and traveling event that is planned for the next few
months. Don't know how much writing will get done. Sunday, Robert and I head to Oaxaca City, and from the airport, we
drive to an Indian market town where we will spend the week training new
Mexican missionaries. This is a highlight of my year. Because of our involvement
with this program, there are now trained Mexican missionaries living in Guerrero,
reaching out to Mixtecs. One of these missionaries is on our team now and
expecting! J
A few days after coming back to Canada, I will have surgery
on my right hand. L A few days later, Robert leaves for a week in
Guadalajara where he will be training more missionary candidates. J
L So
Janey will be looking after me until my hand works again. Then I have my final
chemo (Herceptin) treatment, and I get to ring the gong J (please come join me if
you are free noon, April 15th)
The next day we drive to North Carolina to visit supporting
churches and my friend Caroline, a missionary going through the same thing I
am. We’ll be comparing war stories and scars. J But I will miss the
women’s retreat here. L
The week we come home, we immediately repack our bags, and
finally take that 25th anniversary trip cancelled by chemo last
year. Ireland! Yay! And thanks to the anonymous friends that helped make it
possible! On the way home, we will be seeing three good friends in England we
knew in Honduras before we got married (one was in my wedding). Yay! J
Then, the week we get home, I have surgery on the left hand. L And wait for the
stitches to come out after a flurry of doctor’s follow up visits. And then we
leave for Mexico. J And leave Manal and Rashad and Bayan and Hammudi and
all my friends and family here, L especially my sisters, who have made this year good. J
What a ride! What does God intend to do with this
mountainous road of emotions, all those twists and unexpected turns, the ups
and downs, and around and arounds of shifted feelings? All of the life he gives
us is purposeful, profitable, preparatory. What does he intend, after I’m finished
up here, with all this?
Come find out with me.